With every other delivery & ordering app you always get a different deliverer. Not with DeliverRer, you get your personal deliverer that do all your requested deliveries.
Don’t worry about any of your deliveries being canceled, missing or your deliverer delivering to the wrong address.
We guarantee that you will not experience any of these issues with your personal deliverer.
Let DeliverRer do all your Deliveries for you
Your Favorite Restuarant
Pick up & Deliver Retail
We Shop for you
Easy and non-complicated
Any Grocery Store Restaurant Retail Store
Pay Securely through the website you ordered
We pick up your order, then contact you
We make sure you receive your order.
We deliver for some of the biggest companies in the world. Let us name drop a few.
Avoid traffic crowded stores & long lines. We shop pick up & deliver for you.
Most deliveries delivered in less than 20 min.
We make sure you get what you order & all your deliveries.
We provide excellent customer service & deliver with a smile.
We follow all safety & health regulations.
Over 8 years Delivering in Las Vegas. We Proudly represent our city & community. Join us in helping making life easier for others.
6606 Grand Montecito Pkway Suite 100. Las Vegas, Nev. 89149 Country
(702) 462-5078
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